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Water is a vital resource for crop growth and yield. In summer, water management is essential for successful crop production as high temperatures and dry weather increase the demand for water by crops. Efficient use of water is necessary to ensure adequate water supply for crop growth and to conserve the scarce resource. In this blog, we will discuss some effective ways of using water for crops during the summer season.

Irrigation Scheduling:

Irrigation scheduling is a critical factor in managing water effectively. Over-irrigation leads to waterlogging, nutrient leaching, and soil erosion. Under-irrigation can reduce crop yield and quality. A well-planned irrigation schedule should consider the crop water requirements, soil type, and climate conditions. Regular monitoring of soil moisture is necessary to avoid over or under-irrigation. Scheduling irrigation during the cooler periods of the day can reduce water loss due to evaporation.


Mulching is an effective way to conserve soil moisture and reduce water evaporation from the soil surface. Mulch is a layer of organic or inorganic material that covers the soil surface. Organic mulches such as straw, leaves, and grass clippings also help improve soil quality as they decompose. Inorganic mulches such as plastic film, gravel, or pebbles are more durable and effective in reducing water loss. Mulching also helps control weed growth, which competes with crops for water and nutrients.

Drip Irrigation:

Drip irrigation is a water-efficient method of irrigation that delivers water directly to the root zone of plants. Drip irrigation reduces water loss due to evaporation, and the slow release of water promotes deeper root growth. Drip irrigation is suitable for row crops, vegetable gardens, and fruit trees. Drip irrigation systems are easy to install and can be automated, making them an efficient and convenient way of irrigating crops.

Crop Selection:

Crop selection plays a crucial role in water management during the summer season. Crops that are tolerant to drought conditions and have lower water requirements are suitable for the summer season. Some crops that are drought-tolerant include beans, corn, melons, and tomatoes. These crops require less water compared to other crops, and they can still produce high yields even under dry conditions.

Soil Preparation:

Soil preparation is a crucial step in water management. A well-prepared soil can hold more water and nutrients, reducing the need for frequent irrigation. Tilling the soil, adding organic matter, and improving soil structure can help retain soil moisture. Proper soil preparation also promotes deeper root growth, which can access deeper soil moisture.


Water management is critical for crop production during the summer season. Efficient use of water can improve crop yield, conserve water, and reduce water loss. A combination of irrigation scheduling, mulching, drip irrigation, crop selection, and soil preparation can help maximize water use efficiency. By implementing these practices, farmers can ensure sustainable crop production during the summer season while conserving the vital resource of water.

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