Mobitech – Irrigation automation | Smart farming | Smart Irrigation

On 09.01.2021 Mobitech wireless solution( has successfully installed and commissioned 5 station #fertigation automation system to Mr. Thomas, #Vandamedu, #Idukki District, #Kerala

❓What is Fertigation?
Fertilizer + Irrigation = Fertigation

Feeding each drop of #water 💧 to #root zones of plant 🌱 along with #fertlilizers through #drip #irrigation system.

❓ What are advantages?
Plants absorbs water along with fertilisers. It helps to increase yield, reduce fertilizer usage and reduce water consumption.

❓How this system works?
1. Required fertilizers should be dissolved in 1000litres of tank(In this field we placed four tanks for fertilizer and one tank for acid)
2. Each fertilizer tank should be connected to fertigation #station through 1/2” #upvc pipe line
3. #Fertitech #controller is energised through #GSM network to control and monitor through #smartphone
4. Now Mr. Thomas can schedule the fertigation #program through his #iphone

❓What are uses of fertigation automation?
1. This helps to correct the #nutrient #deficiency detected in test analysis
2. Ability to “micro dose”, feeding the plants just enough so nutrients can be absorbed and are not left to be washed down to storm water next time it rains
3. Application of nutrients can be controlled at the #precise time and rate necessary
4. There is no pressure loss in main irrigation line, so each and every crop receive uniform quantity of water.

We do fertigation automation for all types of plants.

📱 For details contact us
+91 98427 31759
+91 90470 31759
+91 99434 30000

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