Mobitech – Irrigation automation | Smart farming | Smart Irrigation

👨‍🌾Farmer: Mr. Keshav Raj
Place: Mettupalayam, Tamilnadu
🍌Crop: Banana
Area: 25acres
Controller: DCON-ACN30
📅 Date: 26.12.2020

⁉️Why Mr. Keshav Raj choose Mobitech Irrigation automation system?
⏩He want to achieve precise irrigation. He believes that human intervention will not help him to achieve the same. Through this automation he can achieve it easily.
irrigation automation system by mobitech
⁉️How this system helps him?
⏩Through DCON application, he split total area into 25 irrigation zones. For each zone he set volume of water, to be dispensed daily. Automatic controller irrigate predefined volume of water to each zone.

⁉️How automatic filter back flush system works?
⏩Head works has two gravel filter and two disc filters. Based on differential pressure(DP) DCON controller automatically do back flush and keep sending pure water to the farm.

⁉️What are all advantages of irrigation automation?
⏩Controller doesn’t have holiday, it works round the clock for him
⏩It helps to reduce labour usage
⏩It increases the yield
⏩Reduce water usage and electricity consumption.

For more information
Ping us at
📲+91 98427 31759 and +91 90470 31759
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4 thoughts on “☺️Successful installation of Time and Volume based automatic drip irrigation system

    • Dear Sir
      Thanks for your inquiry. I am sorry for delay reply.
      Reach us at +91 90470 31759 or +91 99434 30000 for detailed discussion.


  • I have 6 acres farm in cuddalore. Main crop is banana and flowers, seasonal crops are groundnut, pulses and vegetables. I have complete set up for drip irrigarion for may whole field, installed just an year and quarter ago. My drip valaves are in clusters of 2 and fours harly 300 fts, away from the main supply and pump room.
    Please suggest which type of irrigation automation, ie. time, volume or soil moisture based one suitable for my varied crop requirements. and give an rough estimate of the cost involved in automating my drip irrigationsystem.
    Whether going fetigation automation will be viable fo this size of fam.

    • Dear Sir
      Thanks for your inquiry. I am sorry for delay reply.
      Reach us at +91 90470 31759 or +91 99434 30000 for detailed discussion.


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