🤵🏻#Farmer: Mr. Eswaramoothy, #Thindal, #Erode
#Controller: Mobitech-DCON-ACN10
No of valves- 7
🚰Valve size- 2inch
🚰Valve Brand- #Baccara
Area- 7 acres
🌴Crops – Sugarcane🎋
Date: 27.08.2020
Through #automation , you can remotely monitor, optimise, and #irrigate your #cane and get all the information associated with your field. Regardless, of wherever you are, you can ensure #higher #crop #yield, better crop #quality, and higher #profits, along with reduced #labour costs.
What are benefits of #automatic irrigation system for Sugarcane ?
1. During #germinaiton #cane needs 300mm of water for 0-45days
2. During #tillering phase it needs 550mm of water for 46-120days
3. During #Grand growth phase it needs 1000mm of water for 121-270days
4. During #Ripening phase it needs 650mm of water for 271-360days
* *Data vary based on soil texture
Through #DCON application Mr. Eswaramoorthy program irrigation schedule as per above details. #Mobitech DCON controller automatically feeds water and shuts down once done. Do you need such simple and latest #IoT based #smart irrigation automation system?
Ping us at +919842731759 | +919047031759
Our Whatsapp Link https://wa.me/919842731759 or https://wa.me/919047031759